I believe in the pursuit of knowledge for the purpose of simply knowing more.
True generalists are rare - the modern-day polymath is extinct, and I think that's dangerous. People don’t wander enough and specialize way too early.
I believe that every good engineer is humble - beyond humble. If you aren’t humble, you haven’t solved enough problems that will humble you, and if you haven’t worked on enough problems, how could you be a good engineer?
A good heuristic for what kind of person someone is, is paying attention to the things about themselves that they’re proud of.
I think you should treat your life with a deep level of seriousness - but also be goofy enough in the short term to not take yourself too seriously when things go bad in the short term.
The most important thing is to be happy.
I believe in the pursuit of truth - and I believe in straightforward value and idea confrontation.
I love ideas deeply - I love friends who tell me they want to do things that I’d never think of doing - and then actually do them.
Everything - even emotions - are better handled through a logical lens.
I believe the smartest people don’t objectively think they’re working on something harder than everyone else. Anyone who overcomplicates their work is probably not doing a good job.
Having intention, even in the short term, is of utmost importance - know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
I spend almost no time with people I intuitively don’t like or that bore me.
Important relationships must exist to enrich; when relationships are not enriching, they shouldn’t be given importance.
World-class people are incredibly fun to be around - especially in fields entirely different from my own.
It’s not possible to fail if you try enough times.
Honest reflection is a rare but important quality.
I enjoy comfortable silence - I think it’s a rarity.
I believe that naivety and delusion can be some of the biggest gifts in life.